皮歐里亞之 SCO annual conference



除了自己 oral presentation 之外還意外地當上了 storytelling 晚會的主持人,驚喜的發現當主持人有多好玩 (樂),把台下的眾人逗笑時真的會成就感滿滿,領悟到當主持人也需要很多技巧、很多細節,包含動作、語調、時間掌控,除了細心之外更要兼具幽默。獲得的最大讚賞是「Sunny, you are naturally funny.」 然後非常興奮與驚喜的,在這次會議獲得加拿大鳥會頒發的 Outstanding Oral Presentation 啦! 台上大大的的名字,全場掌聲下的心跳加速。從好久以前上台前會緊張到哭,到現在可以自在的享受舞台,尤其是台下有好朋友在時,總是可以享受到腎上腺素激發、想要分享自己所熱愛的事物的滿足感。

當然到會議上最重要的就是和老朋友見面,還有結交新朋友了,這次遇到了爺爺老朋友 Roger (和 Roger 爺爺認識的故事很精采),還認識了一群一起去跳彈簧床的彈跳好朋友、淋雨看鳥的風雨好朋友、還有一起看奧運的熬夜好朋友。


PS. 除了會議的興奮,開會中途還收到了 BirdNET 德國團隊的來信,大概是今年夏天最讓人興奮的一封邀請函。

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The feedback from the presentation judges

Hello Sunny,

Thank you so much for contributing to the 2024 AFO-WOS-SCO meeting in Peoria earlier this month. We appreciate the time and effort you took to help make the scientific program vibrant and diverse. As part of the student presentation process, we send comments from the judges to participants. Included below are comments made by individuals who evaluated your presentation.

Positive Feedback Your presentation was very visually appealing, and your enthusiasm was infectious! You did a great job presenting, and I appreciated learning more about BirdNET! I think that this was an important method/consideration for folks who are using this technology. Great figures. Good sample size. Enjoyed the audio clips. As someone who is not an expert in bird song analytics, you demonstrated and explained the analysis and data processing amazingly. Great explanation of what BirdNet does as a program. Clear and explicit gap in knowledge and objectives.

Constructive Feedback I don’t have many critiques. Your information was easy to follow and I think this was an important and novel consideration for this emerging technology. Very thorough. Consider mentioning what you plan to do next. Some plot axes were not explicitly explained.

We hope you find these comments encouraging and helpful for future presentations. Thanks again for your contribution!

With gratitude and best wishes, Maureen Student Presentation Award Committee AFO Councilor, WOS Member